Click here for Bio and References
Lionel Mitelpunkt is a freelance consultant, strategist, educator, and artist, using technology as a way to create, nurture and advance authenticity, empathy, change, and innovation.
I work with individuals, startups, NGO's and corporations in creating clear channels of communication and framing their narratives using new world tools and accessible wisdom.
Brief professional history: In 2014, he co-founded Shift, a global consultancy company addressing using social media and technology for authentic communication, along with two Forbes 30 under 30 honourees. He has also brought his skills to the nonprofit sector at the Muslim Jewish Conference, FablabIL, Midburn & Burning Man, Grain Anat, and others... For the last two years, he has been teaching courses at Tel Aviv University in the intersection of technology and society. He is a global citizen.
On a more personal note...
I am: Constantly learning. Radically positive. Always heading forward.
I wish to enable people using the gifts of creative confidence and positive communication for the purpose of their passion and creation.
I work with individuals and organizations on adapting to change and telling their story in authentic ways using innovative tools.
I am an ambassador and educator or simply a man on a mission of helping the shift we live today be the smoothest possible transition and reduce conflict by making it accessible for anyone who wishes to participate and can bring value to his or her’s community. I wish to believe that I am contributing to help human society as a whole.
I am an avid collaborator and a super-connector with a strong make it happen approach looking to work with doers, shapers, and leaders.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Currently manifesting: My dream
I'm working on the venture design document drawing inspiration from the concept Game Design Document
Currently generating: Merachok.com - מרחוק
Merachok ("From a far" in Hebrew) enables organizations to maintain a business routine, continue to cultivate networking and move beyond the hybrid world of work through advanced platforms in which events can be held and the audience wants to take part in and engage with.
Producing Retreat: Lifeforce generator - מחולל כח החיים By Yudan Maivar | TransmeetinG | Wizardance.com
Own Our shadow and shine Our Magic
Previously employed as Director of Content 248 Community Action Network
P2G - Jewish Agency For Israel
Editor of the following Paper.li
Founding member of:
Affiliated networks:
Creative Connections - גרעין אנ"ת
Global Shapers (WEF) - Tel Aviv Hub
Click here for Bio and References
Read my interview at "DISASTER DIALOGUES" by Brian Reich
The Blog
Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
2019年3月18日 · Creation,doers,process,compassion,jewishParashat “Vaykra” (=and he called) is the beginning of the book of Leviticus and is the third book of the five books of the Torah. In Pirkei Avot “Chapters of our fathers” it says that - "He would say: The world stands on three things: Torah, the service of G-d, and deeds of kindness.” Exactly...2018年8月18日 · Lessons,jewish,Inspiration,educationLesson #1 It’s the first day of 1st-grade. I get to my classroom and meet Orli, my teacher. Years after when I started asking myself "how did I become the person I am?" I realised that this phrase was the first lesson I got at my elementary school named:“Lev Tov” (= Good Heart). I actually...2018年7月18日 · Inspiration,LessonsThere's a known concept in the Israeli army that everything can be divided to three. I learned later in life that everything is connected and that I love Venn Diagrams and one of the best examples and the one that has helped me the most is the Hedgehog concept by Jim Collins. We’ve been brought...PAST WritingS and Blogging
Some cool DEFINITIONS for the world we live in
Prosumer age
Media production used to be very expensive and that is why we needed massive scale operations to publish a newspaper, magazine, movie, tv show -> channel or any other type of art/media. Nowadays we’re all producing and consuming User Generated Content (YouTube, Soundcloud, Facebook and many many others…)
Hey even this website is part of that process.Sceneius
Scenius is like genius, only embedded in a scene rather than in genes. Brian Eno suggested the word to convey the extreme creativity that groups, places or “scenes” can occasionally generate. His actual definition is: “Scenius stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene.
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I welcome your comments, feedback and self-promotion on any of my channels.
stay relevant: Get your news, awe and inspiration all right at the · The middle point ·
Time is the greatest gift we all get in life - I wish to gift you with some of mine.
Schedule your free 5 min. video chat to pick my brain and tackle a challenge of your choice.
Speaking | Training | Facilitating| Staffing
I love meeting people in person and being of value for your cause.if you wish to have me at your next event contact me
Built by me and launched in 2015